Trying to force the poor—and only the poor—to eat healthily is intrusive and humiliating. If we’re going to restrict junk snacks, we should restrict them for everyone.
Bad labor practices, bad coffee, bad food, bad vibes. The faceless corporate behemoth shows exactly how coffee shops shouldn’t operate. We deserve better.
Hegseth thinks we should disregard the Geneva conventions, embrace violence, and pursue a “clash of civilizations” war against Islam. He’s a terrifying Secretary of Defense who exposes the hollowness of Trump’s “peace” platform.
Revisiting the New Deal era offers crucial lessons in the current political moment. It shows how a distinctly American progressive politics might capture the support of a broad swath of the country and how major reforms can in fact be accomplished.
The Democrats’ foreign policy has been horrifying. The Republican Party’s anti-war posture is a sham. War is not about political parties. It’s the people versus the powerful.