Articles in Climate Change

Our Climate Discourse is Gradually Normalizing an Atrocity

Corporate-friendly green buzzwords, empty promises, self-deluded storytelling: those who refuse to confront the status quo have many techniques for appearing to take climate change seriously while in fact trying to make us comfortable with catastrophe.

The Media’s Climate Coverage Is Indefensible

Members of the press think they’re doing a good job reporting on climate change. They need to read their own publications.

“Think Small and Local” Won’t Solve The Climate Crisis—But It’s Still Important

Jonathan Franzen was widely criticized for arguing that we should resign ourselves to climate change and focus on conservation. He was wrong about resignation, but saving things we love can bring beauty and joy to life and help renew commitment to the natural world.

Critics of “Don’t Look Up” Are Missing the Entire Point

It’s not about Americans being dumb sheep, but about how billionaires manipulate us into trusting them, how the reckless pursuit of profit can have catastrophic consequences, and the need to come together to fight those who prevent us from solving our problems.

The Age of Imperialism is Not Over—But We Can End It

Capitalist accumulation has always depended on cheap labor and resources extracted from the Global South. To end this violence we need a post-capitalist transition—otherwise, as climate breakdown accelerates, the ceaseless search for profit will drive us further into barbarism.

What Would It Look Like If We Treated Climate Change as an Actual Emergency?

If we accept the facts of climate change, we also have to accept the radical changes necessary to address it.

The Last Great Forests

What’s left of Madagascar and its extraordinary rainforest can tell us a great deal about the history of the climate crisis, as well as the forces we’re up against.

Taming The Greedocracy

American elites want magical technological fixes to climate change because they refuse to confront the truth that seriously addressing the problem would require limits to their own power and luxury.

How To Think About International Responsibility For Climate Change

We need to begin with the recognition that the United States has been more responsible for the climate catastrophe than anyone else. We have inflicted costs on the rest of the world that they rightly resent us for.

Exxon Admits Capitalism Created The Climate Crisis

The company’s own Washington representative admits that we cannot solve the crisis without doing away with Exxon.

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