Articles in Philosophy

In His Right Mind

The meaning of Aaron Bushnell’s sacrifice.

It’s Time to Break Up with Capitalism

Malaika Jabali, author of a new introduction to anti-capitalist and socialist politics, explains why we need to break up with our economic system.

Abolish the Tipped Minimum Wage

Service workers deserve a real livable wage. How is this even up for debate?

What If We Didn’t Consider Criminalization an Option?

Instead of re-criminalizing drugs, Oregon should actually take care of people.

The Dystopias of Yesterday

Looking back on the disaster scenarios of vintage sci-fi.

Nick Hanauer on How Corporate Propaganda Makes Us Fear Sensible Social Policy

The businessman and host of Pitchfork Economics on how “corporate bullshit” misleads us.

War and Mardi Gras

How do we celebrate a joyful holiday when our country is responsible for ongoing terrible suffering?

Against Managerialism

How management education promised a better workplace—and why it delivered nothing but more creative ways of exploiting people.

The NFL is an Abusive Workplace

As Super Bowl Sunday draws near, it’s important to remember the systemic labor issues that plague the nation’s most popular sport.

Rethinking the Concept of ‘Philanthropy’

Amy Schiller argues that giving to others is great, but our contemporary notion of philanthropy is broken.

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