The Democrats’ foreign policy has been horrifying. The Republican Party’s anti-war posture is a sham. War is not about political parties. It’s the people versus the powerful.
The California wildfires are not a mere act of God. These apocalyptic scenes will increase as the climate crisis worsens unless we end the culture of denial.
A tribute to the French Quarter, a broken, weird, and wonderful place that exemplifies the best things about America as well as much that is wrong with it.
Filmmaker Adam McKay discusses the reaction to 'Don't Look Up,' the 2021 film which used satire to demonstrate the madness of our political response to the climate crisis and the media's role in climate denialism.
In 2004, Marvin Heemeyer ran a bulldozer through his small Colorado town. While he is sometimes remembered as a right-wing hero who stood up to government, the reality is that he was simply a wealthy man angered that he couldn't become even wealthier at the expense of others.