Why PolitiFact’s “True/False” Percentages Are Meaningless August 08, 2016 Percent of what, exactly? by Nathan J. Robinson
You’re Responsible For Things That Happen Because Of You August 07, 2016 Are third-parties solely responsible for “spoiling” elections? No. Are they still responsible? Yes. by Nathan J. Robinson
The Good Billionaires August 02, 2016 In their efforts to court the rich, Democrats demonstrate new levels of hypocrisy. by Nathan J. Robinson
The Irony in Democrats’ Celebration of Muslim Lives July 31, 2016 While Trump verbally disparages Muslims, a Democratic president is actually killing Muslim children by the dozen. by Nathan J. Robinson
Can The New York Times Weddings Section Be Justified? July 29, 2016 Everyone makes fun of its status obsession. But if we’re being serious, doesn’t that make it indefensible? by Nathan J. Robinson
Why Does Michael Eric Dyson Think Most Black People “Can’t Make Distinctions”? July 29, 2016 Strategic voting is not that difficult, but Dyson thinks ordinary African Americans are incapable of understanding which state they live in. by Nathan J. Robinson
Democrats Are Redbaiting Like It’s 1956 July 26, 2016 Everyone from Donald Trump to the Sanders supporters is now a KGB puppet… by Nathan J. Robinson
Democrats Need to Stop Insisting That Everything Is Going Well July 23, 2016 Trivializing people’s problems and fears is not a good way to win support. by Nathan J. Robinson