Articles in Media

How To End Up Serving The Right

Journalists Glenn Greenwald and Matt Taibbi are known for exposing the crimes of the police, the military, and Wall Street. But they also spout dangerous conservative hyperbole about The Left. What’s going on?

Why the Panic Over Trans Kids?

A recent wave of pseudoscholarship and pseudojournalism has encouraged people to fret about a Trans Trend that is supposedly luring vulnerable cisgender children into risky medical procedures.

‘Deaths of Despair’ and the Failure of Capitalism

When McKinsey praises your book, it’s a sign—and not a particularly good one.

Triggering the Right: The Role of Language in the Culture Wars

Often words can obscure as much as they reveal. That’s just how the right likes it.

Looking Back on ‘The Age of Entitlement’

Christopher Caldwell’s book raises some interesting questions, but its answers leave much to be desired.

The Vapid Deceit of Joe Scarborough’s Book About Truman

The ex-GOP goon’s tedious hagiography of the only man to drop atomic bombs on helpless civilians is full of omissions and euphemisms, and devoid of any conscience.

Inside the Incel

A new documentary shows why the controversial internet subculture is such a tough topic to cover.

The Problem With Influencers

They’re not just manipulating your emotions—they’re changing how you experience the world.

What We Owe Our Whistleblowers

If we want the next Edward Snowden or Reality Winner to speak up, we have to show that we’re listening.

‘Officials Say’ a Lot of Things, But That Doesn’t Make Them True

Journalists (and their readers) need to stop taking authorities’ claims at face value.

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