Articles in International

Rethinking the Concept of ‘Philanthropy’

Amy Schiller argues that giving to others is great, but our contemporary notion of philanthropy is broken.

Islamophobia Will Poison This Country

The U.S. media is once again presenting the vicious dehumanizing caricatures that make it easier to oppress and wage war on people.

More Firefighters, Fewer Cops

If we want to keep people safe, we need institutions more like the fire department and less like the police department.

Dollar Stores Show Capitalism at its Worst

A firsthand account of the unsafe working conditions, low pay, and corporate surveillance at one of the country’s most profitable retail chains.

Astra Taylor on What ‘Security’ Really Means

Astra Taylor discusses her book about insecurity, arguing that while the right-wing concept of security involves borders and police, the left-wing version involves creating true security by meeting people’s basic needs.

A Response to Hughes

In defense of a highly critical book review.

Beware Government Bullshit

Government spokespeople aren’t always lying. Usually they are just using as many meaningless words as possible to avoid having to answer a question directly.

The Limits of Basic Income

Providing people with cash payments has benefits, but guaranteed employment and public services are a better option for transforming our economy.

Let’s Test The ‘Intelligence’ of Tech Billionaires

Our House Economist sizes up the rich tech goons on their knowledge of internet economics. Who passes, and who fails?

What Peace in Northern Ireland Teaches us About ‘Endless’ Conflicts

No two conflicts are exactly like, but Northern Ireland offers lessons for today’s seemingly intractable conflicts. If the international community can underwrite war, it can also underwrite peace and justice.

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