Articles by Yasmin Nair

Who Can Win a Nobel Prize?

Human creativity can only flourish once basic needs are met. Because all creators have to worry about healthcare, childcare, and housing, usually the most privileged are the ones whose work gets made.

What Chasten Buttigieg Has to Tell Us

‘I Have Something to Tell You’ provides a blueprint for an LGBTQ politics whose only challenge to American empire and capitalism is that our most oppressive institutions should be queer-affirming.

The Perils of Trauma Feminism

For too long, women of color and other marginalized people have vomited out their tales of trauma and woe. The time has come to stop telling our stories, to stop asking for empathy, and simply demand systemic changes.

Of Towers and Toilets: A Tale of Two Developments

Developments in Florida and Illinois show how land is valued only as capital. What if we thought of land use differently?

Where the Gay Things Are

Gay marriage was a victory, we’re told—but a victory for what?

New York: The Invention of an Imaginary City

How nostalgic fantasies about the “authentic” New York City obscure the real-world place.

A Better Son Or Daughter

Donald Trump, amnesia, and a capitalist fable.

The Politics of Publishing

Fixing the publishing industry will require eliminating exploitation, not just improving representation.

Can We Save Facebook?

Is social media irredeemable? Or is capitalism, once again, the real villain?

Should I Stay Or Should I Go?

Why gay nonprofits fail and yet survive…

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