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Royalty reading issues of Current Affairs and frowning with distaste. "Proud to be a magazine that most royals dislike."

Current Affairs

A Magazine of Politics and Culture

Take the Quiz: Which Shape Are You?

Might you be a glorious blorp, or a monstrous scutoid? There’s only one way to be sure!

There are too many useless quizzes on the World Wide Web that purport to reveal truths about your innermost nature, yet deliver only stale fortune cookieisms (while stealing your personal information in the process). To hell with such quizzes! At Current Affairs, you have our solemn word that our quizzes are not only 100 percent free of data harvesting nonsense, but also full of trenchant insights into your soul. 

This quiz—or, as we like to call it, illustrated journey of self-discovery—originally appeared in Issue 29 of our spectacular print magazine. Should you wish to see what other delights lie beneath its cover, there’s never been a better time to subscribe!

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Cover of latest issue of print magazine

Announcing Our Newest Issue


Celebrating our Ninth Year of publication! Lots to stimulate your brain with in this issue: how to address the crisis of pedestrian deaths (hint: stop blaming cars!), the meaning of modern art, is political poetry any good?, and the colonial adventures of Tinin. Plus Karl Marx and the new Gorilla Diet!

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