Articles in Editor’s Notes

Why You Should Primarily Focus On Your Own Country’s Crimes

Why don’t U.S. activists focus on the crimes of the Chinese government? Because we’re responsible for what is done in our name, and what we can most affect.

Can The Left Reclaim “Security”?

Astra Taylor argues we live in an “age of insecurity.” Understanding this may be crucial to thinking about how we can address Americans’ widespread pessimism.

The Genius of Thought Itself

Appreciating how extraordinary every human mind is can reinforce our commitment to egalitarian politics.

Why The Problem Isn’t Single-Parent Families

The problem is that we don’t take seriously the obligation to give people good lives.

Against Masculinity

It’s perfectly fine to be a “feminine” man. Young men do not need a vision of “positive masculinity.” They need what everyone else needs: to be a good person who has a satisfying, meaningful life.

The Perils of ‘Innovator’ Mindset

Five people are dead because Stockton Rush believed in a toxic ideology that sees ‘regulation’ as the enemy of ‘innovation.’

What Board Games Can Teach Us About Politics and Power

From Monopoly to Jacobin’s “Class War,” a well-designed board game can be a great way to explain how the world works.

Introducing The Current Affairs Biweekly News Briefing

It’s increasingly difficult to find and digest reliable and useful information about the world. Here at Current Affairs, we’re trying to fix that. Sign up for our brand new news briefing.

The Right to a Window Should Be as Fundamental as Freedom of Speech

Many workers have their health damaged by lack of access to sunlight and plants. Windows shouldn’t be seen as a perk or luxury. They are a basic necessity that everyone deserves.

Why Bother Arguing With The Other Side?

In defense of debunking bad arguments at considerable length.

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